July 2023
Pre tupping checks, Flies, FOC APHA faecal egg counts, FCN survey, Badger vaccination phone line
Pre tupping checks, Flies, FOC APHA faecal egg counts, FCN survey, Badger vaccination phone line
AI tech vacancy, Game Bird meeting, MSD flockcheck & BRD screen, Grass Tetany, Nematodirus, Vaccine supply issues
Events, Products for calving, AHWR, MSD Flockcheck, Vaccine supply issues, APHA request to register birds)
We have performed one successful trial visit for a farmer as part of the pilot scheme and have now received notification that the AHWR is finally open to all eligible farmers. This a funded annual farm visit, and initially only BPS (Basic Payment Scheme) eligible farmers will be able to register. To be eligible for
DEFRA Animal Health and Welfare Review Launched Read More »
Thame-Chinnor Steering group Oxfordshire has one of the highest incidences of Bovine TB in the whole of England. The Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) have been working with local farmers and vets to set up a project in two areas – in the north-west of the
Oxfordshire Bovine TB Cluster Project Read More »
Events, Cluster Group, Pre-lambing, #ColostrumisGold, Nimrod Red Start, AHWR, Schmallenberg free testing, Cattle research project, Cattle accomodation wanted)
(Upcoming events, Preparing for Spring calving, Animal Health & Welfare Pathway, Iodine supply issues)
(2022 Reflection, Lambing Abortion Checklist, Watery Mouth Prevention, Sheep Scab, Lice in Cattle, Thame Market Events, Xmas Opening Hours)